2016 Grant Application Deadline is December 15!
The Waterman Fund is pleased to announce that its 2016 alpine stewardship grant application deadline is December 15, 2015.
The Fund invites organizations, individuals, and local, federal or state agencies to send in project proposals for alpine stewardship, education, research, or trail reconstruction through its website or by contacting [email protected]. Grant recipients will be announced in January.
Each year, the fund awards grants between $1,000 and $3,000 per alpine project. $15,000 will be available in 2016 for projects in the Northeastern U.S. and Canada. In 2015, the Fund awarded $20,000 for 10 alpine projects with three each on trails and research, and four with an educational focus.
Since 2002, the Fund has awarded 52 alpine stewardship grants totaling more than $150,000 and eight prizes totaling $10,500 to the winners of its annual essay contest.
Please follow our grants guidelines for eligibility criteria and project deliverables. All proposals must address how they will further the Fund’s mission and address ethical considerations the proposed project raises.
The Waterman Fund fosters the spirit of wildness and strengthens the stewardship and understanding of the alpine areas of Northeastern North America to conserve their ecological, cultural, and recreational values. We pursue this mission through education, trail rehabilitation, and research.